Radhe provide platform to express best possible performance and creativity in every member. We believe in the career and personal growth of employees and provide ample opportunity for the same.
Radhe is one of the most preferred companies to work for and work with because we believe in:
- The power of Open Door Communication
- Providing fair treatment
- Provide risk oriented, free and creative atmosphere
- Equal opportunity for everyone
- Opposing any form of harassment
- Encouraging a performance driven enterprise
For our business, we have identified a set of key areas which need to be fostered by both the company & the employee so that we can develop a professional, competent and effective team providing the best solutions to our customers.
- Diversified work culture:
- Skills acquisition through continuous learning & development:
- Motivation for employee:
- Develop departmental structure for fast career growth:
- Encouraging employees to becoming future leaders:
Mail Us Your CV @ hra@radhegroup.com
Mail Us Your CV @ info@radhegroup.com